victorian architecture
office interior designinterior architecture
DKO Architecture
Docklands, Melbourne

DKO Architecture is one of Australia’s leading and innovative design practices specialising in Urban Design, Architecture and Interior Design. Established in 2000, DKO is a dynamic design practice that’s core strength lies in innovative design and effective delivery.

“The semi-transparent cladding on the meeting rooms adds privacy – it’s actually repurposed from an agricultural product.”

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Having been engaged to re-design the Docklands masterplan, DKO relocated their Melbourne office into the precinct so they could live and breathe their work. Their teams of dedicated architects are reworking the much maligned suburb into a more viable, dynamic, enriching and ultimately more successful piece of urban architecture.

We were appointed as DKO’s preferred head contractor after a detailed tender process which revealed value management was required. We spent two weeks with the project architects reviewing each cost item alongside the design intent, and working together, we managed to reduce the construction costs by a massive 50%.

Through collaboration we enabled our clients to stay on budget and also created some very interesting design outcomes. 50 m3 of concrete was poured to level out the existing slab and a stair was infilled to create a more contiguous space. We utilised a landscaping material usually used for the base of pebble driveways as the feature cladding to the meeting room suites. By exposing the timber stud frame, chamfering the edges and painting it black, it provided the minimalist effect the architects wanted to achieve.

Special Features: New burnished floor throughout, exposed service D&C, unique transparent honeycomb meeting suite and green wall dividers.

Services: Head contractor including plaster, ceilings, flooring, tiling, joinery, mechanical, electrical, waterproofing, FF&E, carpentry, glazing, partitioning, structure concrete slab.

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